All Through the Night A Troubleshooter Christmas Troubleshooters Book 12 Suzanne Brockmann 9780345501097 Books
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All Through the Night A Troubleshooter Christmas Troubleshooters Book 12 Suzanne Brockmann 9780345501097 Books
All Through the Night fits right in with all of Suzanne Brockmann's great Troubleshooter series. There's love, there's trouble, there's tension, there's humor, and, finally, thankfully, there's a wedding between two wonderful characters. The world of Troubleshooters is packed with alpha men and women who are handy with guns, caring but shy with hugs, and absolutely present for each other and their families. Into this mix comes a smart, sexy, commanding (even if he is shorter) FBI agent, who also happens to be a semi-closeted gay man. I mean, FBI? In the course of events, in the previous book, the guys had to protect an impossibly handsome, rather self-destructive, also closeted from himself, alcoholic actor, Robin Chadwick. Cue trouble, resolution, and sobriety, and Jules Cassidy and Robin fall in love. In this book, Jules and Robin are trying to get married. Friendship wins over varying degrees of homophobia so the gang has reunited for this event. Mayhem ensues. The water is cleaned up and the marriage takes place. Enjoy the book.Tags : All Through the Night: A Troubleshooter Christmas (Troubleshooters, Book 12) [Suzanne Brockmann] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. It’s Christmastime in Boston, and this year the silver bells will be wedding bells as FBI agent Jules Cassidy ties the knot with the man of his dreams,Suzanne Brockmann,All Through the Night: A Troubleshooter Christmas (Troubleshooters, Book 12),Ballantine Books,0345501098,General,Christmas stories.,Romantic suspense fiction.,Christmas stories,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction General,Fiction-General,General Adult,POPULAR AMERICAN FICTION,Romance - Suspense,Romantic suspense fiction,United States
All Through the Night A Troubleshooter Christmas Troubleshooters Book 12 Suzanne Brockmann 9780345501097 Books Reviews
Okay, it's a bit corny. But folks, get real. That's pretty much what holiday novellas ARE. Look at it for what it is; a tender love story about two people who really love each other with faults acknowledged and lived with. Jules' jealousy is a counterpoint to Robin's alcoholism. Both are lingering, ongoing, dealt with in real ways. Just as rehab didn't cure Robin or stop his daily struggles, no single event/realization is going to end Jules' jealousy. As Sam said, Jules is hard-wired for jealousy.
What is fun is that this is a real story about two guys who love each other. Not platonically, not running or hiding, but open, sexual and in the sunlight. Readers who might not otherwise encounter gay couples find themselves really liking these guys, sharing Jones' and Sam's personal growth in accepting these guys and yes, loving them. If one knee-jerk response to gay marriage is mitigated by this story, that's great.
Me? I've read it probably half a dozen times, over and over, just to be with the whole gang of Troubleshooters, Sam and Alyssa, Jones and Molly, Max and Gina, Jules and Robin. I'm still sorry when I near the end of the book, because I'm leaving them again, and want to know how they're doing. I'm glad Brockmann introduced a gay SEAL; the world needs more successful and tough guys, gay or not. We need to see guys like Sam and Jones and the SEALS of Team Sixteen accept Jules and Robin as they are, just as J&R accept Sam and the guys. We need to meet people and characters who we care about as people first and last, and whose sexuality is not the sum total of their personal and professional identities. That's what Jules gives us, and why we care about him.
I love all of Suzanne Brockmann's books in the Troubleshooters series. The print version of this book at my local library introduced me to her work. Now after owning a print copy of all her books I am working on owning a digital copy for easier reading while traveling.
Jules and Robin are my two favorites. And Sam Starrett is a riot!
You will not be disappointed with this book. Suzanne Brockmann's other books are good reads as well. They will give you more background on the characters in this book and tell you more about Troubleshooters Inc.
I LOVE this book. I would love to know a real Jules and Robin couple. I have read this book 3 different times, I wish there were more people like Sam, Alyssa, Dolphina, etc. People who don't judge people's sexual preferance. Nobody has that right to judge.
Utterly delightful and heart-wrenching, this novel follows the wedding preparations of a FBI agent and a TV star who desperately love each other. Neither is perfect. One's a recovering alcoholic. The other is possessive and jealous. But they are made for each other, and they are on course to wed if a series of unfortunate incidents ranging from being trapped in a building under attack in Iraq to a crazed fan with a gun can all be dealt with. If you have read other books by Brockman you will meet many familiar characters. If not, you will meet new characters and want to read their stories next.
I'm just going to put it out there, I'm not a romance fan. I got introduced to Suzanne Brockmann (and by extension Jules Cassidy) when I picked up one of her books in an airport many years ago (Hot Target). Having gay FBI agent Jules Cassidy was a great foil for the macho navy seals and other military men and women who normally inhabit Brockmann's novels, but more than that, he was a real three dimensional character, not a caricature of a gay man. And a real hero! Jules (and Robin, his actor /former alcoholic boyfriend) have parts in various Brockmann books, but in this book, they're the stars. Written when gay marriage was legal in Massachusetts, but not nationwide, it's a celebration of Jules and Robin's love, but there are complications. As a high profile FBI agent, Jules sends an invitation to the President, but when he unexpectedly accepts, one of Jules's friends from a previous operation won't be able to pass the background check. And an old flame is hanging around, bringing his own stalker to the city. It's anything but simple to get Jules and Robin to the altar! It's an entertaining read, like all of Brockmann's books, and it's also a welcome positive portrayal of gay characters in this military/law enforcement setting. Highly recommended!
All Through the Night fits right in with all of Suzanne Brockmann's great Troubleshooter series. There's love, there's trouble, there's tension, there's humor, and, finally, thankfully, there's a wedding between two wonderful characters. The world of Troubleshooters is packed with alpha men and women who are handy with guns, caring but shy with hugs, and absolutely present for each other and their families. Into this mix comes a smart, sexy, commanding (even if he is shorter) FBI agent, who also happens to be a semi-closeted gay man. I mean, FBI? In the course of events, in the previous book, the guys had to protect an impossibly handsome, rather self-destructive, also closeted from himself, alcoholic actor, Robin Chadwick. Cue trouble, resolution, and sobriety, and Jules Cassidy and Robin fall in love. In this book, Jules and Robin are trying to get married. Friendship wins over varying degrees of homophobia so the gang has reunited for this event. Mayhem ensues. The water is cleaned up and the marriage takes place. Enjoy the book.
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